The Tabernacle


Our Vision

To build a community of God’s people who bears the presence of God to fulfill the Great Commission through discipleship, church planting and missions.

To grow to be a Tabernacle Church denomination in Asia with a biblical distinctive as "kerygmatic". Kerygmatics are defined as Spirit-filled believing Christians whose principles, practice and persons are consonant, at both the individual and corporate levels of exercise, in proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our Mission

To school, train and equip every believer to be kerygmatic so that each one will fulfill the following goals:
 - To demonstrate the strong presence of God through the disciplined exercise of the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit
-  To evidence spiritual growth by doing every good work that He has commanded us, being careful not to adopt a privatised approach to holiness that lacks a meaningful sense of belonging to a community
-  To prove discipleship through the winning of souls and in enfolding them as responsible members of our church

Dr. David Jeremiah
SEAH Hok Heng
Founder, Senior Pastor

The Tabernacle
Church and Missions

The Tabernacle Church and Missions (TCM) was founded by Senior Pastor Dr. Jeremiah Seah Hok Heng and started its first worship service at Bible House Chapel in 1975. It was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1977. TCM started to send missionaries to Philippines and Thailand, and trained overseas church workers in Singapore in the 1980s. To date, we have two overseas churches, Tabernacle of Philippines in Davao, Philippines (incorporated as The Tabernacle Church & Missions Philippines Inc.) and Thai Tabernacle Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand. ​God has also richly blessed TCM with four properties in Singapore located at 51 Windsor Park Road, 357 Pasir Panjang Road, 64 Tanjong Katong Road and 20 Aljunied Road (renamed as Asian Pastoral Institute).

Asian Pastoral Institute

A significant milestone achieved by TCM was the inauguration of Asian Pastoral Institute (API) in 1999 as a training school with a cross-disciplinary and Asian spirituality perspective. Asian Pastoral Institute Limited (a subsidiary of TCM) was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 2015 and was registered as a charity in 2022. Currently, API’s Diploma in Pastoral Studies, Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Master of Divinity, Graduate Diploma in Counselling, and Master of Arts in Counselling and Community Work are accredited by the Asia Theological Association. The Doctorate in Counselling programme was introduced in September 2021. The core modules of the Graduate Diploma in Counselling, the Master of Arts in Counselling and Community Work, and the Doctorate in Counselling meet the requirements of Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) and the International Registry of Counsellor Education Programmes (IRCEP). API also launched the Adult Christian Education (ACE), a structured modular Christian education programme for pre-believers and believers in 2012. In addition, it started the API Care & Counselling (APICC), the counselling and community service arm of API in 2018.


Crystal Tabernacle

Dr. Sea​h David Jeremiah

Senior Pastor

Dr. Lian Bee Tin Jeanne

Associate Senior Pastor 

Dr. Lau Chee Wah Gideon*

Associate Senior Pastor

Choo May Eng Jodi

Centre Pastor

Dr. Ng Mui San Lina

Associate Pastor (Lay)

Dr. Tham Chee Kin 

Associate Pastor (Lay)

Lee Yingying Wendy

Assistant Pastor

Tay Lee Teng

Assistant Pastor

Dr. Gabriel Henry Jacob

Assistant Pastor

Dr. Quek Pei Jun**

Assistant Pastor

* away on overseas missions
** away on overseas study